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Fair Taxation

I strongly believe that Congress needs to make fiscal responsibility a priority. I support rooting out waste, fraud, and abuse in federal spending in order to bring down the deficit, but we also need to raise adequate revenues in order to pay for the priorities we have as a nation. Those priorities include safe food and water, defense and homeland security, education and health care, and infrastructure investments that help build economic growth and opportunity for all. As we evaluate our nation's needs and look to see how more revenue can be raised, I think we should first ask more from those who can afford to pay more. The middle class and those who aspire to it have already been sacrificing for years, while less and less has been asked from millionaires and billionaires and highly-profitable corporations that ship American jobs overseas.

I was a strong supporter of allowing the Bush tax cuts for income above $250,000 a year to expire, while extending tax cuts for middle-class and low-income families. I continue to believe that we should raise additional revenues by reforming the corporate tax code and ending tax breaks for off-shoring jobs and profits. The #GOPTaxScam from President Trump and Congressional Republicans has resulted in boons for super-rich and corporations, while working families continue to wait for their promised tax relief.